Super Hexagon for Android v1.0.7
in Blog
A new version of Super Hexagon is now available on Google Play! This version should improve the performance on newer devices and restore compatibility with older Gingerbread based devices (which broke in 1.0.6).
Changes 1.0.7:
- Fixed a startup crash that affected Gingerbread devices
Changes 1.0.6:
Bug fixes
- Restore “Sticky immersive mode” after using the volume keys.
- Corrected audio playback (Fixes the issue for some devices with chipmunk voices)
- Fixed an issue that would cause the game to be grayscale on resume
- Kitkat related performance fixes
- Restore unlocked achievements state from G+ profile to local score file
- (Re)submit local unlocked achievements to G+ if needed
- Added support for devices without a screen (e.g. Mad Catz M.O.J.O.)
Where to get it?
Google Play:
Super Hexagon for Android