Super Hexagon for Android v1.0.5

We just pushed out a new update of Super Hexagon to Google Play. This version should improve the overall user experience of the app and fix some minor issues.

With this new release, we also took the opportunity to replace the scoring and achievement system. Instead of Scoreloop, the game now uses Google Play Game Services which should integrate better with the Android platform and provide a nicer way of sharing scores to social media platforms. (You can also install Google Play Games for more options)


Changes 1.0.5:

  • Fixed a bug that could cause Hyper Mode levels to be relocked under certain circumstances.

Changes 1.0.4:

  • Implemented Google Play Game Services
  • Implemented immersive mode (4.4 Kitkat only)
  • Restores unlocked modes after sign in based on achievements.
  • Removed Scoreloop
  • Minor bugfixes


2013-12-04 16.51.41 2013-12-04 16.51.48
2013-12-04 16.53.11 2013-12-04 16.53.41
Google Play:
Super Hexagon for Android